PBIS-Classroom Behavior

In accordance with PBIS (positive behavior intervention support), a campus behavior initiative, and to ensure the safety of you child, and enhance their learning, the following rules will be enforced:
  • Be Safe- Keep hands and other objects to yourself; Walk everywhere; Use tools correctly; provide a safe learning environment 
  • Be Respectful- Listen while the teacher is talking; Follow adult expectations; Respect other's belongings; Use kind words while speaking to others 
  • Be Responsible- Come prepared and ready to learn; Take ownership and pride in what you do 
  • Be cooperative-Be helpful and a team player; Allow everyone to have a voice. 
  • Do Your Best- Always try and never give up; Make good choices; Come to school with a positive attitude.

We will be proactive in our classroom management by explicitly teaching, modeling and practicing classroom expectations, and procedures during whole class, group, and individual work time in accordance with the campus PBIS initiative.

Common Incentives-
·         Whole Class- kids vote and decide on specific, reasonable rewards for whole class positive behavior (goal is set for specific amount to earn)Ex: pajama day, hat day, extra recess, book party, eat lunch with teacher, etc.
·         Small Group- table groups earn points for positive behavior as a group, group that earns most points is rewarded by teacher. Ex: eating lunch with teacher, trophy, treasure box
·         Individual- students earn stallion stars that correlate to other incentives. Ex: sit by friend for a day, treasure box, bring toy out to recess.

Common Consequences- Warning- redirection or reminder of classroom expectations
·       Teacher Conference- student and teacher privately discuss observed behavior and what the expected behavior is
·        Removing from engaged negative behavior- student is moved to designated area to give them time to think, reflect, cool off, etc. Student is still part of learning environment. Teacher follows up with teacher conference.
·        Recess Consequence- student will select independent, physical activity for a specified amount of time. Ex: walk red line, jumping jacks, cross midpoint with arms, etc.
·       Parent Communication- Parents are informed about classroom behavior through behavioral log in daily folder. Parents are notified of the specific negative behavior that occurred in classroom.
·        Classroom Referral- used to document severe negative, physical, or verbal behavior. 3 classroom referrals will equal an office referral.
·        Office Referral- 3 classroom referrals, severe physical or verbal behavior with intent to harm self or others, or 3 red slips from cafeteria.

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